White Templars vs. Necrons

Purge the Alien, Hammer and Anvil, 1000 points -- November 18, 2012

I fought a battle up at Heroic Adventures. there were four of us waiting to play so we diced it out and I ended up playing a kid and his Necron army. He was probably 7 or 8 and made some mistakes. I also made some mistakes, just fewer. I won 5-3. Learned some stuff about Necrons, and ended up guessing because he was not sure about some other stuff. I'm going to use right and left here to always mean my right or left.

My forces was a company commander in power armor with a power sword and a bolter, a ten man tactical squad with missile launcher and flamer, a ten man tactical squad with a multi-melta and plasmagun, a Landspeeder Typhoon, a dreadnought with multi-melta and storm bolter, a Thunderfire Cannon,and a 5 man terminator squad with 1 chainfist and one assault cannon in it along with a sgt. with a power sword.

I squadded into 5 person squads (probably a mistake) and put my captain with the squad carrying the flamer. I deployed mostly in ruins in my center and on my right. In the center I deployed my Dread along with the five man squad with the missile launcher and the five man squad with the plasmagun. On my right was a five man squad with the multi-melta and the Land Speeder Typhoon. In my rearmost right corner was my Thunderfire. The terminators and the five man squad with the flamer and the captain were in reserve. I had rolled the ability to outflank for my Captain's Warlord trait.

He deployed an arc of some kind (with 2 Crypteks) on the left along with some immortals (and a Cryptek) in some ruins. He deployed 5 Canoptek Wraiths and a command barge in the center. Finally he deployed an Annihilation Barge on the right. In retrospect, he might have wanted to deploy refused flank right up on his deployment line, but he didn't. On the other hand, had he done so, my first turn of shooting would have been much worse on him.

I had first turn and kept the initiative. Right as I began, we remembered to roll for night fight and it turned out to be night. This eliminated most of my shooting since I was in the back of my deployment zone and he was in the center to back of his. I got 2 missiles off from the Typhoon and 1 from the missile launcher, killing one Wraith.

On his turn he advance the Wraiths and the command barge towards me their full movement, while his transport moved six inches and turned its broadside to me. However, it was out of range. I think he only moved it 6" because he wanted his two Crypteks in the barge to fire, and they did, stunning my Land Speeder.

On my turn I rolled for both my reserves to come in, but then suffered a deep strike mishap causing the terminators to be delayed. The commander led his half squad in from the right, coming in behind the annihilation barge. The commander opened up on the rear armor of the barge to no effect and failed to charge it. Meanwhile everything else concentrated on the on-coming Wraiths, killing two more (due to instant death).

On his turn, he advanced the command barge and the wraiths another 12" and the broadside transport barge another 6". His immortals came out of the ruins to get a bead on my commander and his half squad. He exploded the Land Speeder, killing one member of the nearby five man squad. He also poured a lot of fire into my commanders and his half squad, killing half of them (leaving the sgt, the Captain, and one generic tactical marine).

On my turn, my Terminators came in in the center of his backfield about 4-5 inches from his Immortals. My Captain and his mates shot bolters at the rear armor of the annihilation barge and crashed it. That left my terminators free to shoot at the rear of the command barge with no effect. The fifteen tactical marines and the dread, destroyed the remaining Wraiths. The Thunderfire shelled the immortals, killing five or six.

On his turn, he reversed his command barge to close in on the terminators and started to bring his transport barge back. His immortals also tried to move away from the terminators. He fired everything at the terminators this round, killing one.

On my turn, The terminators closed on the immortals and the Captain led his brave lads to hide behind a hill (preserving linebreaker). The multi-melta squad advanced up the right so that if the transport barge came back it would be trapped in a crossfire and if it came at the thunderfire, it would have to expose it's rear to the multi-melta. If it came after the multi-melta, it would expose its rear to the missile launcher. I fired an up the kilt missile launcher into his command barge, exploding it. I then shelled his warlord with the Thunderfire, doing 2 wounds. The terminators ran towards the Immortals since they don't seem to be slow and purposeful. The terminators assaulted the Immortals. We forgot all about Overwatch until after the game.

On his turn, his warlord moved one inch in the difficult terrain. The immortals and the terminators continued their hand to hand. His transport barge was in range of no targets other than two shots from the Canopteks which failed to kill anyone.

On my turn, the multi-melta shot the Warlod and he did not get back up. The terminators killed the remaining Immortals and the Canoptek, but the latter recovered.

On his turn, the transport barge and the Canoptek fired on the terminators. the Canoptek did terribly, but the terminators failed three out of six 2+ saves against the barge and died to the man.

The game ended. I had killed the Annihilation Barge, the Command Barge, the Immortals, and Warlord, plus I had Linebreaker. He had killed the Terminators, the Land Speeder, and had First Blood. 5-3

My best unit was probably the Thunderfire. My worst luck was three terminators dying in six shots. My best luck was either the up the kilt on the command barge or the Thunderfire doing 2 wounds to his warlord.

He was plagued by indecision, especially with regard to his transport barge. He wanted to shoot too much in Turn 1 and didn't advance it enough. Then he changed his mind and brought it back, so it spent all its time bouncing around the middle of the field, out of optimal range. Granted this would have meant he couldn't have glanced the Land Speeder Turn 1 which probably would have cost him the Wraiths a turn or two earlier. Still, probably worth it. He also should have been more careful about his vehicle facings - giving me a shot at his command barge's rear armor cost him that barge and then his Warlord.

I'm not sure what I could have done better because it is harder to tell when you win. I probably should not have brought my command in behind his annihilation barge like I did, but the pay off was killing the barge and getting line breaker. The risk was substantial, however, because losing that six man unit would have cost me three points (the unit, the warlord, and the loss of line breaker), making the game 4-6 against me.

The also Dreadnought continues to be a problem for me... I dare not run him out where he'll get destroyed fairly easily, but he spends much of the game out of range of enemies. I think he either needs a new weapon (rifleman dread?) or he needs a drop pod.


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