Thanksgiving update

This will probably be the first of like 3 posts this morning - I've been saving up.

I've been painting my White Templars up and, as any 40K hobbiest will tell you, it's slow going. Right now I have one HQ painted. I also have one tactical squad almost painted. In this case, "almost" means half of them still need their bases flocked for which I need some more PVC glue. Then I have to seal and then I need to go in with my gloss to make their armor and only their armor shiny. Once I have them completely done, I will try to take a squad pic and post it. While they are curing, I have begun painting up five terminators and one librarian in terminator armor.

However, being the person I am, I have come up with a new idea. More accurately, I came up with a color scheme and wanted to put it on something. It looked best on Chaos Space Marines, so on Chaos Space Marines it will go. Which means I am going to start another army. These guy will be the subject of another post, because having been inspired by a color scheme, I might have improvements on it. And while I was sort of plotting out that Army, I came up with another idea for a different army.... and it would be cool to give Blood Angels a try again as well. At which point, I began to regret my decision to dedicate a blog to each of my existing armies.

So, here is my plan, I am going to phase out my other 40K blogs (not like I made many entries), probably by the close of 2010, and make Sanctum Alborum Militum Templi my primary 40K blog that talks about all my various ideas, armies, etc. If you are following me, please take note.

As far as my "Salamanders", I just can't seem to get by the fact that they do not have a regulation GW Salamander paint scheme. They almost look more like Disciples of Caliban (but I don't want to adopt the Dark Angel army organization and they have all those heavy flamers and meltas). So instead, I think they will be a Salamander or Storm Giant successor named the Storm Dragons.

My Space Marine Armies are going to have to be themed. I think my White Templars will be drop pod based and/or fast attack (but not White Scars). They won't have much by the way of terminators or tanks, at least to start with. They will need some scouts though. They may expand to be more balanced later.

The Storm Dragons will be all about meltas, flamers, terminators, and tanks, both heavy hitting and close ranged. They won't be having many bikes or land speeders (which per Salamander fluff in a White Dwarf back at the beginning of Armageddon, is Salamandery). They are and will remain for a long time, my largest force.

Then I have some extra guys who might go back to being Blood Angels but I also might make them Emperor's Spears. If I do that I have two Baal Predators that I need to do something with though.

On the Chaos side, I'll have the Wicked Company who used to be the Emperor's Huntsmen chapter before they went renegade. At this point, they are going to be kind of steampunky looking and accordingly concentrating more on the steampunk looking Space Marine side of things and less on the mutations and daemons. They are the current apple of my eye because they are the newest project and they sort of came to me almost fully formed. They will probably be slightly assault oriented, but I don't want to go whole hog, largely because so many of the steampunk looking guys are shooty (Havocs anyone?). That probably means they will be a balanced force as much as possible.

I also have a Sisters of Battle Army that isn't going anywhere, and old Dark Eldar army that isn't going anywhere, and a Tau army I may pick up again because I love the Tau sans the Kroot (which I refuse to field).

I suspect I'm going to be spending a lot of Thanksgiving weekend painting because I promised myself I was not going to start in on the Chaos Marines until I can field a legal force of fully painted White Templars. At this point, I am roughly a tactical squad short of that, and I would like to at least be able to field some terminators, a dreadnought, a thunderfire cannon, and something assaulty. I also need like three drop pods.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!


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