Christmas Tide

Well Christmas 2012 is mostly over the horizon now and I got a couple pieces of 40K swag:

1 Chaos Defiler
1 Chaos Forgefiend/Maulerfiend
1 Citadel Spraygun

Problem: The Defiler has 2 of the same sprue (the one with the 4 back legs) and is missing one other sprue (the one with the power scourge, autocannon, and torso/head parts). Called GW customer service and they are sending me the missing sprue. I even get to keep the extra one. Now what can I do with 4 extra defiler legs....

I also am pretty keen to use the spraygun, but I have no idea how to do so effectively. Anyone have any hints?

Meanwhile, this does toss me for a bit of a loop. I had been sort of picking up my Dark Eldar Kabal again because there were so many MEQ. Now... I'm not sure what I want to do. It has to be one or the other though since trying to bring two armies up to date is a recipe for failing to do either. It's bad enough that most of my model/paint time is being spent on my Vanilla Space Marines just to try to keep up with the escalation league. Right now the project on my painting table is a second Land Speeder Typhoon that I need for this coming Sunday. After that I need either the third tactical squad which I'm pretty sure I simply cannot get painted in two weeks or the scout squad. After, that I need to do either a drop pod or the Sternguard. At my speed, that takes me to about June.... Oh well.


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