Painting times and painting white

I have discovered it takes almost twice as long to paint a White Templar than to paint a Salamander. I don't know why unless its the fact that it takes 2 or three coats of white. I'm trying to be a bit more careful with my pre-washing and we'll see if that helps.

I'm also getting tired of painting. Less motivated = longer to paint. This is odd because I enjoy it while I'm at it.

Currently, I'm primering white and then using GW's black wash to fill in cracks and edge. Then I'm painting white over that. I seem to be basing in green, not snow, largely because a white guy on a white base on a white board would not really stand out. Then I have to paint my reds in two different layers, scab as the base followed by blood red. Do golds and boltgun. Oh and pain my blacks in the soft armor bits and the pauldrons. Then paint white on most of the figure. Then touch up all the places I put white i wasn't supposed to. Oh and do the brown leathers. then pain the chapter badge. Then touch up the whites. Then touch up the blacks. Then paint the base. Then flock the base. Then seal. Then paint the gloss. I'm trying to gloss the white because I think it covers up more errors and makes the whites look "stormtrooper shiney."


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