This is why I have so many unpainted figs...

I came into this last weekend with Saturday afternoon and all of Sunday to paint some of my Salamanders. By the time I went to bed Sunday night, I had touched up 5 figs and added boltgun metal, metalic gold, black, and done their purity seals. I found myself wondering what happened?

Well, let's see:

1) I spent a lot of time noodling around with my boxes, rearranging which sergeant was with which squad or rearranging my special weapons for the squads.

1.5) Went to the local hobby store to re-examine the advance copy of the new codex.

2) I read through my Witch Hunter Codex again and wondered if I should maybe paint up my Sisters (who are even more unpainted than the Salamanders and have to compete with them for my store of Rhinos).

3) I read through my Dark Eldar Codex and wondered if it was really still the most recent printing like everyone says. Got on-line and tried to look it up. Got excited about my Dark Elder and wondered if I should play them.

3.5) Posted my findings on the new Salamander terminators.

4) I looked up the weapon strength of some of my Salamander's weapons and readjusted what is where agin. Made labels for the squads so I could remember what I was thinking later.

5) Got out my paints.

6) Primered some of the Space Marines for later painting.

7) Looked through my Dark Elder figs.

8) Looked through my Witch Hunter figs.

9) Cleaned off the table and got out the paints.

10) Got on-line to look up some aspects of Salamander painting. (Are the belts green?) Couldn't find it so I dug out the Armageddon Codex and used a magnifying glass. (Answer: Yes.)

11) Thought about squad markings and my inability to freehand the Salamander symbol, or any other markings. Wondered if I should go piant something that required less artistic talent.

12) By now it is after 10 PM on Sunday, so I pulled out 5 mostly painted Salamanders (meaning they have got their green on) and began gluing their backpacks on. Then painted until 11:30.

13) Went and primered the other side of the figures I primered previously.

At some point I relaized I was procrastinating, but I'm not sure where. Painting is, after all is said and done, something that happens with a brush. I need to remember that.


Master Darksol said…
I have a similar list of noodling around that has led me to a fate of only getting one Guardian painted throughout the whole weekend. One. I have 8 more. :(
Dan said…
My other problem is that I need to learn to paint troops faster. Save my really detailed work for the flagship characters and vehicles.

Ironically, as I "aged" in the hobby, I found myself looking at the neat little add-ons like the holstered pistols, belt pouches, purity seals, and leaving them in the box b/c they were just one more thing to paint.

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